A Companion App for Eos Consoles
EOL Announcement (May 2021): Luminosus is not maintained anymore
Occasional updates (including a version for macOS Big Sur) may be found here. Thank you Jan Pohanka!
If you want to maintain or contribute to this project and know how to package Qt apps for Windows and macOS, please write to mail@luminosus.org
Tutorial: Eos Motorfaderwing
- Watch the video to learn how to use a motorized MIDI Controller as an inexpensive Eos Motorfaderwing using Luminosus
- More tutorials can be found in the app
- Receive and Send MIDI Notes, Control and Program Changes
- Send custom OSC messages
- Receive OSC messages and use to their arguments

Eos + Hog Controls
- Most Eos Functions can be controlled without knowledge about OSC
- Channels, Groups, Subs, Faders, Cues and Macros directly available
- Fader Banks including Labels and value feedback
- Advanced Sound2Light features
- The volume of a specific frequency can be used to trigger actions

Cue List Editing
- Display multiple Cue Lists at once
- Cue Number, Label and Up- and Down Times are editable
- Notes can be created with Eos 2.4+
60+ Blocks Available
- All Blocks can be freely combined
- Each connection 'Node' can be connected to multiple other
- HTP or LTP merging mode can be specified per input Node